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may energies: intention and focus


may energies: intention and focus

Sara Vatore

Tapping into the energy for the month, May’s energetic message and theme for us all is:


This beautiful card was created by Stacey Demarco and is a part of her Queen of the Moon Oracle Deck. My thoughts below are inspired by the card, the description in her deck booklet, and also the energy and channeled message from my initial reading at the beginning of the year that came through for May.

May is inviting us to play with the energy and layers of FOCUS.

FOCUS requires our continual commitment, intention and choice. So often we can get swept away in habituated thought patterns or behaviors that hijack our attention.

May is asking us to slow down and reevaluate where we are FOCUSING.

What is important in your life right now? 

Where do you choose to prioritize and FOCUS this month?

When we are navigating all the threads of work, life, family there are often many moving pieces and parts, scheduling and responsibilities, emotions and triggers, learnings and healing.

If there are too many ways our attention is split, it can feel overwhelming and more challenging to execute tasks. I will often use the analogy of feeling like there are too many tabs open on a computer, where it is hard to find what you need and the system functions more slowly because it is overloaded.

If you are finding multitasking challenging or distracting, pause. Take some time to reset yourself. Your nervous system might be overwhelmed. 

Choose to slow down and focus specifically on one thing at a time until you feel like you have capacity to hold more than one task again.

Our body has to be in a particular generative state in order to FOCUS efficiently. 

If we are burnt out, tired, overwhelmed, stressed, dehydrated, malnourished, in pain etc, our brain doesn’t work as well and can’t hold as much. Processing information can be more challenging or take more effort.

May is inviting us to take care of our basic needs (food, hydration, sleep, movement, rest, sunlight) which supports our bodies to operate optimally, increasing our capacity for FOCUSING. If you are struggling with your attention, check on whether your foundational needs are being met.

We are invited to slow down during challenging times, reorient within and make an intentional choice to FOCUS on our present moment. 

Recommitting again and again to focus on the things that would be generative.

May also is asking us to make sure we are prioritizing our FOCUS on the things that light us up and make us feel good. 

What we FOCUS on and where we put our attention affects what comes into our lives and how we feel. 

If you are spending a lot of time focusing on worry and fear, it will generate more worry and fear. 

What happens when you practice focusing on joy/excitement/desire/pleasure? 

Can you sense how your reality starts to shift?

For those of you choosing into FOCUSING on projects that feel expansive and potentially edgy/scary, May offers some courage. It is time to FOCUS on you right now and your dreams. 

Other people’s opinions of your truth or expression do not matter.

As you are reading this, what comes to mind when you think about where you want to FOCUS this month?

There is no need to force or effort your focus. This is an invitation to approach the exploration with gentle intention!

XO Sara

PS. If you are looking for some space to support your focus this month, reach out. I have one open 1-1 mentorship/coaching slot open for somatic and energetic work. I would be honored to hold space for you. Send me an email or set up a connection call with me with the link below