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Filtering by Tag: somaticcoach

what does your body need?

Jessica Pietri

When our lives are full and we wear many different hats and play a variety of roles, it can be easy to get swept up in the flow of schedules, “adulting”, schlepping and putting ourselves last on the list.

Particularly as a parent, I have to be intentional about checking in with my self, body and needs repeatedly throughout the day, so I make sure I am getting what I need.

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divine validation

Sara Vatore

What are the ways the universe is validating your timing? Sprinkling bread crumbs for you to follow? Providing nudges, nods and expressions of affirmation that it IS happening, that you ARE moving closer to your desires and you are right on schedule?

Where can you orient to uncover evidence that things are unfolding just the way they are meant to?

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paradox of social media

Sara Vatore

As I have been engaging more in online spaces this year, I have been very much holding the layers of this question/reflection within myself and having this conversation in my circles about the paradox of social media:

How am I supposed to promote nervous system healing, integration and expansion on the very system that alters our physiology and affects our brain function?

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claiming your spaces (even within chaos)

Sara Vatore

Over the last 10 years I have learned the necessity of creating intentional, conscious spaces to create small moments for my personal somatic and energetic digestion. For expression. For integration.

Small daily moments alone and supported regular longer sessions with healers and practitioners.

Spaces to allow my whole self to ride the wave of anything that wants to move through me. Orienting to spaces where I can show up again and again with my truth and all the pieces, so that I can have the capacity to navigate the unfolding, even through overwhelm.

When there are circumstances out of our control or we feel more overwhelmed, these spaces become our anchor to find our self again. Especially when life feels full, as if we couldn’t possibly create those SPACES, that is when we know they are most needed and important.

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